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Mundo saúde (Impr.) ; 48: e15472023, 2024.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526855


Os números de adoecimento oncológico são crescentes, e o câncer é o principal problema de saúde pública no mundo. O trabalho é uma das dimensões da vida que se alteram no processo de adoecimento e tratamento oncológico. O servidor público municipal com diagnóstico oncológico passa por perícia e pode ter restrições médicas, readaptação profissional e até mesmo aposentadoria por incapacidade permanente. Este artigo é um estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa e seu objetivo é descrever e problematizar o Programa Ressignificar, criado e implantado em um Departamento de Gestão de um município da Baixada Santista, que proporciona acompanhamento interdisciplinar dos servidores com diagnóstico de neoplasia em tratamento. Foram realizadas análise documental e construção de narrativas baseadas nas experiências de seis servidores participantes do Programa. As estatísticas apresentam alta prevalência do câncer de mama na população feminina. Dentre os acompanhados, 66,07% realizam o monitoramento por meio de exames periódicos, tornando possível o retorno ao trabalho, e 33,92% seguem em tratamento, afastados das atividades laborais. Os afastamentos são longos. As narrativas revelam vivências do adoecimento, relação com o trabalho, impacto do afastamento e apreciação do Ressignificar. Os resultados evidenciam a necessidade de dedicação ao tratamento, a centralidade do trabalho (identidade, socialização e sustento) e o medo da inutilidade. A readaptação representa desafio que pode ser oportunidade. O programa tem sido bem aceito, se mostrado eficiente e pertinente, proporcionando aos servidores um tratamento ao mesmo tempo institucional e personalizado. Espera-se que outras municipalidades, instituições públicas e privadas criem programas semelhantes.

The numbers on oncological illnesses are growing, and cancer is the main public health problem in the world. Work is one of the dimensions of life that change in the process of illness and cancer treatment. The municipal public servant with cancer diagnosis undergoes forensic medical evaluation and may have medical restrictions, professional rehabilitation and even retirement due to permanent disability. This article is a case study with a qualitative approach and its objective is to describe and problematize the Ressignificar Program, created and implemented in a Management Department of a municipality in Baixada Santista, which provides interdisciplinary monitoring of civil servants diagnosed with neoplasia under treatment. Documentary analysis and construction of narratives based on the experiences of six civil servants participating in the Program were carried out. Statistics show a high prevalence of breast cancer in the female population. Among those monitored, 66,07% perform monitoring through periodic examinations, making it possible to return to work, and 33,92% remain in treatment, away from work activities. The medical leaves are long. The narratives reveal experiences of illness, relationship with work, impact of medical leaves and appreciation of the Ressignificar Project. The results show the need for dedication to treatment, the centrality of work (identity, socialization and sustenance) and the fear of uselessness. Readaptation represents a challenge that can be an opportunity. The program has been well accepted, shown to be efficient and relevant, providing civil servants with both institutional and personalized treatment. Other municipalities, public and private institutions are expected to create similar programs.

RECIIS (Online) ; 17(4): 962-975, out.-dez. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1532728


O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar elementos estruturantes do processo de trabalho das redes educacionais colaborativas em saúde mediadas por tecnologias de informação e comunicação, assinalando suas características-chave e sua dinâmica de funcionamento. Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo, realiza-da nas bases de dados: Medline, Lilacs e no portal Oasisbr. Foram encontrados 1.499 estudos, dos quais, oito atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Os resultados da investigação apontam as práticas educacionais colaborativas em saúde mediados por essas tecnologias como processos amplos e complexos, envolvendo a associação de diversos fatores. Destacam-se a dimensão técnico-pedagógica, a gestão estratégica, o gerenciamento do fluxo de informações, os aspectos relacionais, as competências de cada membro e a mediação do processo colaborativo. A integração dos diferentes aspectos da rede traduz um conjunto de desafios para a estruturação dos processos colaborativos que não se limita à pura acumulação cognitiva, mas vincula-se a processos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento dos sujeitos

The aim of the present study was to identify structural elements of the work process of collaborative educational networks in health, mediated by information and communication technologies, by pointing out its key characteristics and its operating dynamics. This is a scope review, accomplished in the following databases Medline and Lilacs and in the Oasisbr portal. A total of 1.499 studies were found, and eight of them met the inclusion criteria. The search results indicate the collaborative educational practices in health mediated by these technologies as broad and complex processes, involving the association of several factors. The technical-pedagogical dimension, the strategic management, the management of the information flow, the relational aspects, the competencies of each member, and the mediation of the collaborative process are highlighted. The integration of the different aspects of the network translates a set of challenges for the structuring of collaborative processes, which is not limited to pure cognitive accumulation, but is bound to learning processes and to the subjects' development.

El objetivo del presente estudio es identificar elementos estructurantes del proceso de trabajo de las redes educativas colaborativas en salud mediadas por tecnologías de la información y comunicación, señalando sus características claves y su dinámica de funcionamiento. El trabajo presenta una revisión de escopo, realizada en las bases de datos: Medline, Lilacs y en el portal Oasisbr. Fueron encontrados 1.499 estudios, de los cuales ocho cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Los resultados de la investigación apuntan a las prácticas educativas colaborativas en salud mediadas por estas tecnologías como procesos amplios y com-plejos, que abarcan la asociación de diversos factores. Se destacan la dimensión técnico-pedagógica, la gestión estratégica, el gerenciamiento del flujo de información, los aspectos relacionales, las competencias de cada miembro y la mediación del proceso colaborativo. La integración de los diferentes aspectos de la red traduce un conjunto de desafíos para la estructuración de los procesos colaborativos, que no se limitan a la acumulación cognitiva, sino que se vinculan a los procesos de aprendizaje y desarrollo de los sujetos

Humans , Telemedicine , Interdisciplinary Placement , Information Management , Database , Information Technology
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535416


Introducción: A formación interdisciplinar en el marco de la atención primaria en salud (APS) permite la apertura a nuevos conocimientos, un abordaje integral a realidades complejas en los territorios y la articulación entre actores. Esto posibilita mejores resultados tanto para las comunidades, en la resolución de sus necesidades y problemas, como para los profesionales que vinculan a su formación el concepto y práctica de la APS. Objetivo: Diseñar una ruta metodológica para la implementación de prácticas interdisciplinarias integradas con enfoque territorial, en el marco de la APS. Metodología: Es un proyecto de interacción social, cualitativo, basado en los postulados del paradigma crítico social y bajo las premisas de la educación popular y la acción participativa, cuyo proceso de desarrollo estuvo enmarcado en la construcción colectiva con estudiantes y docentes de las diferentes unidades académicas participantes, así como con líderes sociales, comunitarios, institucionales y políticos de los territorios vinculados. Por ello, la construcción de la ruta privilegia la participación de estos, de forma horizontal en cada uno de los momentos del proyecto: diagnóstico, sistematización y validación. Resultados: Se creó una ruta metodológica en cuatro fases: aprestamiento, planeación, ejecución y evaluación, cada una con diferentes momentos. Discusión: Pese a que no se encontraron otros referentes de rutas metodológicas de prácticas interdisciplinarias integradas, la discusión se centra en los conceptos de educación para la salud, APS e interdisciplinariedad y sus implicaciones, tanto para los procesos de formación como para el abordaje interdisciplinario de las necesidades en los territorios. Conclusiones: La cogestión de actores comunitarios, institucionales de los territorios y de la universidad son cruciales para desarrollar los propósitos de formación y aportar a la resolución de necesidades y problemas priorizados, en el marco de la APS, entendiendo la comunidad como un sujeto de acompañamiento mediante prácticas interdisciplinarias integradas y no como un objeto de intervención para lograr propósitos formativos.

Introduction: Interdisciplinary training within the framework of primary health care (PHC) allows the opening to new knowledge, a comprehensive approach to complex realities in the territories and the articulation among actors. This enables better results both for the communities in the resolution of their needs and problems and for the professionals who link the concept and practice of PHC to their training. Objective: To design a methodological route for the implementation of integrated interdisciplinary practices with a territorial approach, within the PHC framework. Methodology: It is a social interaction project, qualitative, based on the postulates of the critical social paradigm and under the premises of popular education and participatory action, whose development process was framed in the collective construction with students and professors of the different participating academic units, as well as with social, community, institutional and political leaders of the linked territories. For this reason, the construction of the route privileges their participation horizontally in each of the moments of the project: diagnosis, systematization and validation. Results: a methodological route was created in 4 phases: preparation, planning, execution and evaluation, each with different moments. Discussion: Although no other references of methodological routes of integrated interdisciplinary practices were found, the discussion focuses on the concepts of health education, PHC and interdisciplinarity and their implications both for training processes and for the interdisciplinary approach to the needs in the territories. Conclusions: The co-management of community and institutional actors of the territories and the University are crucial to develop training purposes and contribute to the resolution of prioritized needs and problems within the framework of PHC; understanding the community as a subject of accompaniment through integrated interdisciplinary practices and not as an object of intervention to achieve training purposes.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(2)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536293


Introducción: El trabajo interdisciplinario busca derribar barreras existentes entre las diversas disciplinas, para que puedan interactuar entre sí, de manera regulada, bajo directrices, metodologías y procedimientos, buscando alcanzar un propósito. El objetivo del estudio fue sistematizar evidencias científicas sobre el trabajo metodológico interdisciplinario en la Carrera de Medicina. Material y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática, utilizando como fuentes de información la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud Regional (BVS) y el motor de búsqueda Google académico. La búsqueda se realizó entre los años 2018 al 2022. Se usaron descriptores, palabras claves y ecuaciones de búsquedas. Resultados: Se encontraron 363 artículos y se seleccionaron los que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión, quedando un total de 7 artículos seleccionados, en los que se encontraron aspectos importantes sobre las dificultades existentes en el trabajo metodológico interdisciplinario entre las disciplinas Bases Biológicas y Principal Integradora en la carrera medicina. Conclusiones: existen problemas en lograr la integración interdisciplinar entre las disciplinas Bases Biológicas y Principal Integradora de la carrera de medicina. Todo esto incrementa la necesidad de crear un conjunto de acciones para fortalecer el trabajo metodológico interdisciplinario entre las asignaturas estudiadas, en función de formar un estudiante integral.

Introduction: Interdisciplinary work seeks to break down existing barriers between the various disciplines, so that they can interact with each other, in a regulated manner, under guidelines, methodologies and procedures in order to achieve a purpose. The objective of the study was to systematize scientific evidence on interdisciplinary methodological work in the Medical Career. Material and methods: A systematic review was carried out using the Regional Virtual Health Library (VHL) and the Google Scholar search engine as sources of information. The search was carried out between the years 2018 and 2022. Descriptors, keywords, and search equations were used. Results: A total of 363 articles were found and those that met the inclusion criteria were selected, leaving a total of 7 articles selected, in which important aspects of the existing difficulties in interdisciplinary methodological work between the Biological Bases and Main Integrative disciplines were found in the medical career. Conclusions: There are problems in achieving interdisciplinary integration between the Biological Bases and the Main Integrative disciplines of the medical career. All this increases the need to create a set of actions to strengthen the interdisciplinary methodological work between the subjects studied, in order to form a well-rounded student.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 93(4): 464-475, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527725


Resumen Antecedentes: La obesidad es un trastorno multifactorial caracterizado por un aumento en la adiposidad corporal, de amplia prevalencia en nuestro país, a cualquier edad y ligada a grandes consecuencias adversas, incluyendo el desarrollo de cardiopatías. Los programas de rehabilitación cardiaca (RC) son intervenciones interdisciplinarias encaminadas no solo a restaurar la funcionalidad perdida de los pacientes que han sufrido un desenlace cardiovascular, sino también a corregir aquellos factores de riesgo que lo propiciaron y que interfieren en los resultados adaptativos del mismo. La obesidad contribuye a perpetuar el riesgo de cardiopatía y suele ser resistente a las modificaciones del estilo de vida de manera convencional. Objetivo: Establecer pautas en el reconocimiento de la obesidad con directrices de atención al paciente con cardiopatía dentro de los programas de RC y su abordaje interdisciplinario. Método: A través de una extensiva revisión bibliográfica y después de una discusión interdisciplinaria, se elaboró el presente documento para fijar una postura sobre el abordaje de la obesidad en el contexto de los programas de RC en pacientes con cardiopatía. Resultados y conclusiones: Nuestra Sociedad reconoce el abordaje interdisciplinario de los pacientes con obesidad y cardiopatía en su prevención primaria y secundaria, insta a la precisión en su diagnóstico y valoración, y recomienda que su eje primario debe estar basado en primera instancia en las modificaciones del estilo de vida (entrenamiento físico, atención nutricional e intervención psicoemocional), en tanto que la terapia farmacológica y la cirugía bariátrica pudieran ser coadyuvantes en la optimización de los resultados en pacientes selectos.

Abstract Background: Obesity is a multifactorial disorder characterized by increased body adiposity with a wide prevalence in our country, at any age, and linked to major adverse consequences, including the development of heart disease. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs are interdisciplinary interventions aimed not only at restoring the lost functionality of patients who have suffered a cardiovascular outcome, but also at correcting those risk factors that led to it and that interfere with its adaptive results. Obesity contributes to perpetuating heart disease risk and is often resistant to conventional lifestyle modifications. Objective: Establish guidelines in the recognition of obesity with care guidelines for patients with heart disease within CR programs and their interdisciplinary approach. Method: Through an extensive bibliographical review and after an interdisciplinary discussion, this document was prepared to establish a position on the approach to obesity in the context of CR programs in patients with heart disease. Results and conclusions: Our Society recognizes the interdisciplinary approach of our patients with obesity and heart disease in its primary and secondary prevention, urges precision in its diagnosis and assessment, recommends that its primary axis must be based in the first instance on lifestyle modifications (physical training, nutritional care and psycho-emotional intervention), while pharmacological therapy and bariatric surgery could be coadjuvants in optimizing the results in selected patients.

Educ. med. super ; 37(3)sept. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1528547


Introducción: En las prácticas de laboratorio se adquiere la habilidad que permite corroborar el diagnóstico de las enfermedades de la piel y anejos después de un diagnóstico presuntivo, con la utilización del método clínico. Esto se respalda en las exigencias establecidas en los documentos normativos de ese proceso formativo. Objetivo: Proponer un sistema de procedimientos para la formación interdisciplinar de la habilidad "diagnosticar enfermedades dermatológicas en los residentes de dermatología, a partir de insuficiencias detectadas en el programa de la especialidad. Métodos: La investigación fue cualitativa, con un estudio descriptivo en el Hospital Provincial General Docente Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola, de Ciego de Ávila, desde 2018 hasta 2022. Se trabajó con toda la población conformada por 16 residentes de primer año en dermatología. Se utilizaron métodos de nivel teórico, empírico y estadístico. Resultados: En el sistema de procedimientos propuesto, se concretan fortalezas y debilidades, objetivo general, orientaciones metodológicas, precisión de los objetivos específicos y sistema de acciones para cada procedimiento, y sistema de control y evaluación de la efectividad de las acciones realizadas. La demostración de la formación de la habilidad diagnosticar, a través de un caso clínico real, reveló como esencial la consecutividad lógica de las acciones del residente desde la atención médica del caso y la formulación del diagnóstico presuntivo hasta el establecimiento del diagnóstico corroborativo en los laboratorios de anatomía patológica, microbiología y parasitología médica. Conclusiones: Se aporta un sistema de procedimientos que posibilita la formación de la habilidad "diagnosticar enfermedades dermatológicas en los residentes, con carácter secuencial, interdisciplinar e investigativo(AU)

Introduction: Laboratory practices provide the ability that allows corroborating the diagnosis of skin and adnexal diseases after a presumptive diagnosis, with the use of the clinical method. This is supported by the requirements established in the standardization documents of this training process. Objective: To propose a system of procedures for the interdisciplinary training of the skill to diagnose dermatological diseases in Dermatology residents, based on insufficiencies detected in the specialty program. Methods: The research was qualitative and consisted in a descriptive study carried out in Hospital General Docente Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola, of Ciego de Avila, from 2018 to 2022. The work was done with the entire population made up of 16 first-year residents in Dermatology. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used. Results: In the proposed system of procedures, strengths and weaknesses are specified, together with general objective, methodological guidelines, precision of specific objectives and system of actions for each procedure, as well as system of control and evaluation of the effectiveness of the actions. Demonstrating the received formation for the diagnostic skill, through a real clinical case, revealed as essential the logical consecutivity of the resident's actions from the medical attention of the case and the formulation of the presumptive diagnosis to the establishment of the corroborative diagnosis in the laboratories of pathological anatomy, microbiology and medical parasitology. Conclusions: A system of procedures is provided that makes possible the formation of the skill to diagnose dermatological diseases in residents, with sequential, interdisciplinary and investigative character(AU)

Humans , Aptitude , Skin Diseases/diagnosis , Teaching , Education, Professional , Professional Training , Interdisciplinary Placement/methods , Professional Competence , Health Programs and Plans , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Dermatology/education
Licere (Online) ; 26(02): 01-21, jul.2023. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444700


Este artigo busca compreender a manifestação da abordagem interdisciplinar em uma disciplina de um programa de pós-graduação de uma Universidade Pública do Sul do país. Assim, aborda como as temáticas Turismo em Áreas Naturais (TAN) e Práticas Corporais de Aventura (PCA) são compreendidas e assimiladas pelos acadêmicos, que são pesquisadores de diferentes áreas do conhecimento, no transcorrer do curso, realizado no primeiro semestre de 2022. Para tal, foi aplicado um questionário com perguntas discursivas a fim de coletar informações sobre saberes prévios e posteriores ao término da disciplina, além de análises. As respostas foram sistematizadas e comparadas, mostrando os pontos de convergência e propondo reflexões sobre a importância de experiências interdisciplinares na formação acadêmica. Como resultado, constataram-se mudanças de percepções no transcorrer das atividades. As respostas ainda indicaram reconhecimento da potencialidade de desenvolvimento comunitário do TAN conjugado às PCAs, temas abordados durante o semestre.

This article seeks to understand the manifestation of the interdisciplinary approach in a discipline of postgraduate, master and doctor degree, program at a public university in the south of the country. Thus, it addresses how the themes Tourism in Natural Areas (TAN) and Corporal Adventura Practices (CAP) are understood and assimilated by academics, who are researchers from different areas of knowledge, during the course, held in the first half of 2022. As such, a questionnaire with discursive questions was applied to collect information about prior and subsequent knowledge at the end of the discipline, in addition to analyses. The responses were systematized and compared, showing points of convergence, and proposing reflections on the importance of interdisciplinary experiences in academic education. As a result, changes in perceptions were observed during activities. The responses also indicated recognition of the community development potential of TAN in conjunction with tha CPAs, topics addressed during the semester.

Exercise , Environment , Green Areas , Tourism
Hacia promoc. salud ; 28(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534522


Objetivo: develar las tensiones percibidas por los actores comunitarios en el poblamiento y conformación del territorio durante la práctica de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Antioquia en la vereda Granizal entre 2009 y 2018. Metodología: estudio hermenéutico que usó técnicas de la teoría fundamentada para recolección y análisis. Se realizaron once entrevistas en profundidad a líderes y dos grupos focales a madres comunitarias, docentes y líderes y se analizaron con técnicas de codificación abierta, axial y selectiva. Resultados: existe una tensión permanente entre un liderazgo de diferentes matices y la unidad comunitaria, que recibe diversas amenazas por el desalojo persistente de sus espacios vitales por actores fuera de la ley ligados al narcotráfico, al vacío de Estado y a los intereses internos por el poder. Dicha tensión busca ser superada mediante el esfuerzo colectivo para aprender a subsistir y a través de los vínculos que nacen de la confianza generada con la Universidad y la Facultad de Medicina con su práctica, que han apoyado la comprensión progresiva de la determinación social del proceso salud-enfermedad, lo que ha permitido lograr mayor bienestar. Conclusiones: en Granizal existen unas luchas comunitarias constantes por vencer las privaciones de los mínimos vitales de subsistencia, en las cuales, la autonomía y el desarrollo humano se debaten entre la esperanza y la desesperanza por mantener la firmeza en la construcción del tejido social y en la búsqueda de salidas que posibiliten la vida y el bienestar.

Objective: to reveal the tensions perceived by community actors in the settlement and conformation of the territory during the internship of the School of Medicine of Universidad de Antioquia in the rural settlement Granizal between 2009 and 2018. Methods: Hermeneutic study that used Grounded Theory techniques to collect and analyze data. Eleven in-depth interviews with leaders were conducted and two focus groups with community mothers, teachers and leaders were carried out which were analyzed with open, axial and selective coding techniques. Results: there is a permanent tension between leadership with different shades and the community unity which receives various threats due to the permanent eviction of their vital spaces by outlaw actors linked to drug trafficking, to the absence of the State and to internal interests for power. This tension seeks to be overcome through the collective effort to learn to survive and through the links that are born from the trust generated with the University and the internship of the Faculty of Medicine that has supported the progressive understanding of the social determination of the health-disease process which has allowed for greater wellbeing. Conclusions: There are constant community struggles in Granizal to overcome the deprivations of subsistence vital minimums, in which autonomy and human development are debated between hope and despair to maintain firmness in the construction of the social fabric and in the search for solutions that make life and wellbeing possible.

Objectivo: amostrar as tensões percebidas pelos atores comunitários no povoamento e conformação do território durante a prática da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Antioquia no vilarejo Granizal entre 2009 e 2018. Metodologia: estudo hermenêutico que usou técnicas da teoria fundamentada para coleta e análise. Realizaram-se onze entrevistas a fundo a líderes e dois grupos focais a mães comunitárias, docentes e líderes e se analisaram com técnicas de codificação aberta, axial e seletiva. Resultados: existe uma tensão permanente entre uma liderança de diferentes matizes e a unidade comunitária, que recebe diversas ameaças pelo despejar persistente de seus espaços vitais por atores fora da lei e conectados com o narcotráfico, a o vazio do Estado e aos interesses internos pelo poder. Esta tensão procura ser superada mediante o esforço coletivo para aprender a subsistir e a través dos vínculos que nascem da confiança gerada com a Universidade e a Faculdade de Medicina com sua prática, que tem apoiado a compreensão progressiva da determinação social do processo saúde-doença, o que tem permitido lograr maior bem-estar. Conclusões: em Granizal existem umas lutas comunitárias constantes por vencer as privações dos mínimos vitais de subsistência, nas quais, a autonomia e o desenvolvimento humano, se debatem entre a esperança e a desesperança por manter a firmeza na construção do tecido social e na busca de saídas que possibilitem a vida e o bem-estar.

Cambios rev. méd ; 22(1): e883, 30 Junio 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451949


INTRODUCCIÓN. La epistemología, rama de la filosofía que estudia el proceso de investigación y su producto el conocimiento científico, implica ámbitos de la ciencia con enfoque positivismo y postpositivismo, interpretativismo, teoría crítica; y, transcomplejo, cada uno de ellos con los elementos paradigmáticos de: ontología, epistemología y metodología, su conocimiento y aplicabilidad en los diferentes ámbitos es fundamental porque sus enfoques generan ciencia. OBJETIVO. Desarrollar capacidades intelectuales en bases contextuales y teóricas en epistemología de la investigación social, indispensables para el ejercicio profesional en el ámbito de la investigación científica y del conocimiento científico. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional, descriptivo, con población y muestra conocida de 30 modalidades de publicación, periodo junio a julio 2020. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: fuentes secundarias de información bibliográfica validadas en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales. La técnica de observación fue en buscadores bibliográficos PUBMED, Scielo, Scopus, Diccionario de Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud y la Real Academia Española. La tarea de revisar la literatura de investigación comprendió la identificación, selección, análisis crítico, descripción escrita, interpretación, discusión y conclusión de la información que existe sobre la epistemología de la investigación social, tema, que se registró con aplicación de un gestor de referencias bibliográficas, tipo Microsoft Word. RESULTADOS. Se logró obtener capacidades intelectuales al estructurar la cronológica de la epistemología de la investigación social, del conocimiento científico y nuevas perspectivas para el ejercicio profesional en el ámbito de la investigación científica. CONCLUSIÓN. Las perspectivas se orientan a integrar paradigmas pasados y futuros con visión de transcomplejidad, espacios organológicos de una gran red, conformación de cibercomunidades de investigación, uso de método integrador, nuevo lenguaje en equipos multidisciplinarios, agentes como el foco principal de la teoridad epistémica en espacio, tiempo y la relación entre las cosas.

INTRODUCTION. Epistemology, a branch of philosophy that studies the research process and its product, scientific knowledge, involves areas of science focussed in with positivism and postpositivism, interpretivism, critical theory; and, transcomplex, each one of them with the paradigmatic elements of: ontology, epistemology and methodology, their knowledge and applicability in the different fields is fundamental because their approaches generate science. OBJECTIVE. Develop intellectual capacities on contextual and theoretical bases in the epistemology of social research, essential for professional practice in the field of scientific research and scientific knowledge. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Observational, descriptive study, with population and a known sample of 30 publication modalities, period June to July 2020. The inclusion criteria were: secondary sources of bibliographic information validated in the field of social sciences. The observation technique was in bibliographic search engines PUBMED, Scielo, Scopus, Dictionary of Descriptors in Health Sciences and the Royal Spanish Academy. The task of reviewing the research literature included the identification, selection, critical analysis, written description, interpretation, discussion and conclusion of the information that exists on the epistemology of social research, subject, which was registered with the application of a reference manager bibliographic, Microsoft Word type. RESULTS. Intellectual capacities were obtained by structuring the chronology of the epistemology of social research, scientific knowledge and new perspectives for professional practice in the field of scientific research. CONCLUSION. The perspectives are aimed at integrating past and future paradigms with a vision of transcomplexity, organological spaces of a large network, formation of research cyber communities, use of integrative method, new language in multidisciplinary teams, agents as the main focus of epistemic theory in space, time and the relationship between things.

Thinking/classification , Cognitive Science , Interdisciplinary Research , Knowledge Discovery , Social Validity, Research , Social Learning , Philosophy, Medical , Concept Formation/classification , Knowledge , Ecuador , Knowledge Management
Medicina (Ribeirao Preto, Online) ; 56(1)abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442403


Os objetivos deste estudo foram relatar a experiência da utilização de oficinas culinárias como estratégia didático-pedagógica na disciplina de educação nutricional, e analisar as percepções dos estudantes quanto à interdisciplinaridade e aplicabilidade na atuação profissional, pela análise de conteúdo temática. Este é um relato de experiência da utilização de oficinas culinárias durante a disciplina de Educação Nutricional no curso de nutrição de uma universidade pública. Foram quantificados os tipos de receitas selecionadas e seus respectivos princípios dietéticos e/ou dietoterápicos. Identificamos que 80% das receitas selecionadas priorizavam o conteúdo de nutrientes dos ingredientes como princípio dietético/dietoterápico e somente 20% consideraram aspectos sensoriais e culturais. Na análise qualitativa, foram identificados três eixos temáticos: (1) O olhar do estudante sobre a oficina culinária; (2) O aprendizado da oficina culinária para sua prática profissional; (3) A racionalização da alimentação. A oficina foi considerada uma experiência inovadora e enriquecedora para a formação acadêmica, principalmente pela interdisciplinaridade. Conclui-se que o uso de oficinas culinárias como estratégia didático-pedagógica interdisciplinar nos cursos de Nutrição pode trazer benefícios na formação dos futuros nutricionistas (AU)

The objectives of this study were to report the experience of using culinary workshops as a didactic-pedagogical strategy in the nutrition education discipline, and analyze the students' perceptions regarding interdisciplinarity and applicability in their professional practices through thematic-content analysis. This is an experience report on the use of culinary workshops during the nutritional education discipline in the nutrition course of a public university. The types of recipes selected and their respective dietetic/diet therapy principles were quantified. We found that 80% of the selected recipes were based on the nutritional composition of foods and only 20% considered sensory and cultural aspects. In the qualitative analysis, 3 thematic axes were identified: (1) The student's perception of the culinary workshop; (2) The learning in the culinary workshop for their professional practice; (3) The rationalization of food. The workshop was considered an innovative and enriching experience for academic training, mainly due to its interdisciplinarity. It is concluded that the use of culinary workshops as an interdisciplinary didactic-pedagogical strategy in Nutrition courses can bring benefits to the training of future nutritionists (AU).

Humans , Students , Students, Health Occupations , Food and Nutrition Education , Cooking , Nutritionists , Interdisciplinary Placement
Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(1): [16], abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440167


Fundamento: El estudio teórico, el diagnóstico realizado y la experiencia de los investigadores, posibilitan formular como problema de la presente investigación: limitaciones en el desarrollo de la habilidad diagnosticar enfermedades dermatológicas en los residentes de la especialidad de Dermatología del Hospital General Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" de Ciego de Ávila. Objetivo: Elaborar una concepción didáctica del proceso de formación interdisciplinar de la habilidad diagnosticar enfermedades dermatológicas en los residentes de la especialidad de Dermatología, a partir de la caracterización del estado actual de esta habilidad. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación educativa con un componente descriptivo en el Hospital General Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" de Ciego de Ávila, en los cursos escolares desde 2016 al 2020. La población de estudio fueron los 16 residentes de año que matricularon la especialidad de Dermatología en el período de estudio. Se emplearon métodos del nivel teórico y empírico. Resultados: La caracterización realizada reveló limitaciones en el desarrollo de la habilidad diagnosticar enfermedades dermatológicas en los laboratorios de Anatomía Patológica, Microbiología y Parasitología Médica, por los residentes (100 %). La concepción didáctica del proceso de formación interdisciplinar de la habilidad diagnosticar orienta el proceso desde las actividades docentes-atencionales y prácticas de laboratorio en una consecutividad lógica y sistematización desde las diferentes formas de enseñanza y tipologías de clase. Integra la interdisciplinariedad y la utilización del método investigativo establecido en las ideas rectoras. Conclusiones: La concepción didáctica como aporte de la investigación resuelve la contradicción dialéctica entre la aplicación del método clínico y los procedimientos en la práctica de laboratorio que se da en ese proceso formativo y constituye un soporte didáctico que respalda las actividades prácticas en los laboratorios para cumplir con los objetivos del Plan de estudio de la especialidad.

Background: The theoretical study, the diagnosis conducted and the experience of the researchers make possible to formulate the problem of the present research: limitations in the development of the ability to diagnose dermatological diseases in residents of the Specialty of Dermatology of the General Provincial Teaching Hospital "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" of Ciego de Avila. Objective: To elaborate a didactic conception of the interdisciplinary training process of the ability to diagnose dermatological diseases in residents of the specialty of Dermatology, based on the characterization of the current state of that ability. Methodology: An educational research with a descriptive component was conducted at the Provincial General Teaching Hospital "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" of Ciego de Avila, in the 2016-2020 school years. The study population consisted of the 16 first-year dermatology residents who enrolled in the specialty during the study period. Results: The characterization conducted showed limitations in the development of the ability to diagnose dermatological diseases in anatomic pathology laboratories, Microbiology and Medical Parasitology, by residents (100%). The didactic conception of the interdisciplinary training process of diagnostic ability focuses on teaching and learning activities and laboratory practices in a logical consecutiveness and systematization from the different forms of teaching and class typologies. It integrates the interdisciplinary and the use of the research method that is established in the guiding ideas. Conclusions: The didactic conception, as a research contribution, resolves the dialectic contradiction between the application of the clinical method and the procedures in laboratory practice that occurs in this formative process which is a didactic support that backs up the practical activities in the laboratories in order to achieve the objectives of the study plan of the specialty.

Clinical Competence , Dermatology/education , Education, Medical/methods , Interdisciplinary Placement/methods , Medical Staff
Rev. argent. salud publica ; 15: 115-115, 16 Febrero 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535527


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: En marzo de 2023, en el marco del "Convenio Marco de Cooperación y Asistencia Técnica Mutua - MSAL/MINCYT", se creó el "Proyecto Federal Interministerial de Investigación, Transferencia y Fortalecimiento para la Salud en Territorio". El objetivo fue presentar un proceso de trabajo innovador entre dos ministerios, que sienta las bases para configurar un modelo de gestión de las políticas de investigación en salud con asiento federal y tendiente a potenciar las funciones y capacidades institucionales de cada sector. MÉTODOS: La coordinación del Proyecto se encuentra a cargo de un Comité Interministerial. En 2023 se realizó la Convocatoria para la presentación de un proyecto anual, que consta de dos componentes: A) Línea de investigación y transferencia; y B) Plan de fortalecimiento de las capacidades institucionales de las áreas de investigación de los ministerios de salud jurisdiccionales agrupadas en la Red Ministerial de Áreas de Investigación en Salud de Argentina. RESULTADOS: Las 24 jurisdicciones presentaron sus proyectos, y todos ellos resultaron aprobados. La estrategia tuvo un impacto en el fortalecimiento de los mecanismos de trabajo conjunto de dos ministerios nacionales, que debieron armonizar modalidades de gestión entre las áreas de investigación en salud y las representaciones de CyT en el ámbito jurisdiccional y entre los decisores en materia sanitaria y los actores del sistema científico. DISCUSIÓN: Esta experiencia contribuye a fortalecer las capacidades estatales, a la vez que permite identificar aspectos que requieren continuar siendo trabajados para consolidar nuevas modalidades de gestión interministeriales.

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: In March 2023, within the framework of the "Framework Agreement for Cooperation and Mutual Technical Assistance - MSAL/MINCYT", the "Federal Interministerial Project of Research, Transfer and Strengthening for Health in the Territory" was created. The objective was to present an innovative work process between the Ministry of Health (MSAL) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MINCYT), that lays the foundations for a management model of health research policies with a federal approach and aimed at enhancing the institutional functions and capacities of each sector. METHODS: The Project was coordinated by an Interministerial Committee. In 2023 there was a Call for the presentation of an annual project that consists of two components: A) Line of research and transfer; and B) Plan to strengthen the institutional capacities of the research areas of the jurisdictional health ministries grouped in REMINSA. RESULTS: The 24 jurisdictions presented their projects, and all of them were approved. The strategy strengthened the joint work mechanisms of two national ministries, that had to harmonize management patterns between health research areas and S&T representations at the jurisdictional level and between health decision-makers and the actors of the scientific system. DISCUSSION: This experience contributes to strengthening state capacities, while allowing to identify aspects that require continued work to reinforce new interministerial management patterns.

Rev. bras. med. fam. comunidade ; 18(45): 3726, 20230212.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524019


Introdução: A assistência à saúde mental no Brasil passou por avanços com a Reforma Psiquiátrica, introduzindo-se novas práticas e aperfeiçoando-se estratégias na Rede de Atenção Psicossocial, como a Atenção Primária à Saúde. Nesta nova realidade, o matriciamento destaca-se como um novo modo de produzir os cuidados compartilhados entre a equipe especializada e a equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). Entretanto, ainda se encontram dificuldades em implementar suas ações. Objetivo: Descrever os desafios e potencialidades na implantação de uma metodologia proposta para o matriciamento em Saúde Mental na Atenção Primária. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, cuja população foi composta de cinco médicos participantes de uma intervenção de implantação do matriciamento em dois Centros de Saúde da Família, sendo três médicos da ESF e dois que atuavam como matriciadores. Para a coleta de dados, incluíram-se: observação sistemática, entrevista não estruturada, entrevistas grupais e pesquisa documental. Realizou-se pré-teste com um médico da ESF e, após esta fase, realizaram-se cinco entrevistas individuais e três grupais, sendo um grupo com médicos da ESF, outro com os matriciadores e um com os cinco médicos. Para a análise dos dados, utilizou-se análise temática de Minayo. Resultados: Com base na análise temática, emergiram das falas dos entrevistados quatro categorias de análise: "definição de matriciamento", "como implantar e desenvolver o matriciamento", "vantagens e potencialidades do matriciamento" e "dificuldades para o processo". Conclusões: O matriciamento em saúde mental é uma ferramenta extremamente útil e precisa ser amplamente expandida no atual cenário da saúde. Neste estudo, a percepção das vantagens e a motivação para realizar as ações pelos entrevistados demonstram como esta é uma estratégia de exequível implementação e passível de multiplicação.

Introduction: Mental health care in Brazil underwent advances with the Psychiatric Reform, introducing new practices and improving strategies in the Psychosocial Care Network such as Primary Health Care. In this new reality, matrix support stands out as a new way of producing shared care between specialized teams and the Family Health Strategy (FHS) team. However, there are still difficulties in implementing its actions. Objective: To describe the challenges and potentialities in the implementation of a proposed methodology for matrix support in Mental Health in Primary Health Care. Methods: This is a qualitative study, whose population consisted of five physicians participating in an intervention to implement a matrix support in two Family Health Centers, three of which were FHS physicians and two who worked as matrix supporters. For data collection, the following were included: systematic observation, unstructured interview, group interviews and documentary research. A pretest was carried out with a FHS physician and, after this phase, five individual and three group interviews were carried out, one group with physicians from the FHS, another with the matrix supporters and one with the five physicians. For data analysis, the Minayo's thematic analysis was used. Results: Based on the thematic analysis, four categories of analysis emerged from the interviewees' statements: "definition of matrix support," "how to implement and develop matrix support," "advantages and potentialities of matrix support," and "difficulties for the process." Conclusions: Matrix support in mental health is an extremely useful tool and must be widely expanded in the current health scenario. In this study, the perception of the advantages and the motivation to carry out the actions by the interviewees demonstrate how this is a strategy that can be implemented and multiplied.

Introducción: La atención a la salud mental en Brasil avanza con la Reforma Psiquiátrica, introduciendo nuevas prácticas y mejorando estrategias en la Red de Atención Psicosocial, como la Atención Primaria de Salud. En esta nueva realidad, el apoyo matricial se destaca como una nueva forma de producir un cuidado compartido entre el equipo especializado y el equipo de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia (ESF). Sin embargo, aún existen dificultades para implementar sus acciones. Objetivo: Describir los desafíos y potencialidades en la implementación de una propuesta metodológica de apoyo matricial en Salud Mental en Atención Primaria. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, cuya población estuvo constituida por cinco médicos que participaban de una intervención para implementar el apoyo matricial en dos Centros de Salud de la Familia, tres de los cuales eran médicos de la ESF y dos actuaban como ayudantes matriciales. Para la recolección de datos se incluyeron: observación sistemática, entrevista no estructurada, entrevistas grupales e investigación documental. Se realizó un pretest con un médico de la ESF y, después de esta fase, se realizaron cinco entrevistas individuales y tres grupales, una con los médicos de la ESF, otra con los simpatizantes de la matriz y una con los cinco médicos. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó el análisis temático de Minayo. Resultados: Con base en el análisis temático, surgieron cuatro categorías de análisis de las declaraciones de los entrevistados: "definición de soporte matricial", "cómo implementar y desarrollar el soporte matricial", "ventajas y potencialidades del soporte matricial" y "dificultades para el proceso". Conclusiones: La matriz de apoyo en salud mental es una herramienta de gran utilidad y necesita ser ampliamente expandida en el escenario sanitario actual. En este estudio, la percepción de las ventajas y la motivación para realizar las acciones por parte de los entrevistados demuestran cómo esta es una estrategia que se puede implementar y multiplicar.

Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(1): 61-71, feb. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515422


Background: Aging increases the vulnerability to diseases and environmental changes such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Telehealth and tele-education are vital to prevent the deleterious effects of prolonged confinement, and to train the community, and constantly rotating medical students and health professionals. Aim: To assess the perception and impact of an online course about healthy aging aimed at the community and health care professionals. Material and Methods: An open online one-day course to promote healthy aging was carried out. A cross-sectional online survey about the course was answered by 386 attendants and a knowledge test was applied to 114 people. Results: Seventy-five percent of respondents attended the course synchronously. Of these, 79% were women, 20% were older people and 53% were caregivers of an older person. All respondents acquired new knowledge and were willing to participate again. The frequency of interest about self-care is three times greater than about caring for another person, In an older person, the interest is 101 more times about self-care than caring for another person. Ninety five percent of respondents felt more active and 84% felt more accompanied. Conclusions: The course facilitated access to information on the promotion of active and healthy aging in the community with a favorable perception and a positive impact. The coverage for older people with a digital gap should be improved.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Students, Medical , Telemedicine , Education, Distance , Healthy Aging , Self Care , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Pandemics/prevention & control
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Jan; 71(1): 242-248
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224797


Purpose: Orbital cellulitis is a serious condition with potentially severe complications. Treatment requires interdisciplinary care and early introduction of antimicrobial therapy. In our tertiary center, a team of pediatricians, pediatric ophthalmologists, and otorhinolaryngologists successfully participated in the management of pediatric periorbital/orbital cellulitis. This study aimed to demonstrate our interdisciplinary approach and to investigate clinical profile and management of pediatric periorbital/ orbital cellulitis. Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed of all pediatric patients hospitalized for periorbital and orbital cellulitis in a tertiary hospital center from September 15, 2016, to March 15, 2020. Results: A total of 26 children—median age 2.7 years (range 0.5–12)—were treated during the study period. Disease presentation was unilateral, mainly during winter (n = 12) and autumn (n = 12), without ophthalmoplegia/proptosis. Seven patients had orbital cellulitis (Chandler classification of ??) and were older (6.5 years, P = 0.011) with sinusitis (P < 0.001), required surgery (P = 0.004), underwent longer antimicrobial treatment (13 days, P < 0.001), and had a longer length of hospital stay (13.43 days, P = 0.001). Orbital cellulitis occurred in a median of three days (range 1–12) of acute rhinosinusitis. Radiological survey was performed in 11 patients, whereas six patients were treated surgically. All intraoperatively collected cultures (sinus swabs) were positive, whereas Streptococcus pyogenes and Peptostreptococcus were isolated in five cases. All patients fully recovered. No recurrence was documented. Conclusion: Sinusitis is associated with severe orbital cellulitis and surgical management. Orbital cellulitis occurred early in the course of acute rhinosinusitis, as a distinctive presentation of rhinosinusitis. Interdisciplinary care and early management are crucial in treatment of pediatric periorbital/orbital cellulitis

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515505


Introducción. La distocia de hombros es una complicación del parto vaginal que se produce por dificultad en el parto de los hombros fetales. Puede desencadenarse en forma impredecible e imprevista, por lo que debería ser considerada como riesgo potencial de todo nacimiento. La mayoría de las recomendaciones sobre las maniobras de resolución de distocia de hombros lo hacen desde la posición de litotomía y sin considerar los movimientos intrínsecos de la pelvis durante el parto. Objetivos. Analizar las maniobras de resolución de distocia de hombros a partir del conocimiento de la biomecánica de la pelvis y su relación con los hombros fetales, teniendo en cuenta las diferentes posiciones de parto. Métodos. Revisión bibliográfica no sistematizada. Resultados. Ante la distocia del hombro anterior, si la gestante se encuentra en litotomía podría recomendarse la maniobra de McRoberts con presión suprapúbica seguida de la extracción del brazo posterior. Si la gestante se encuentra en posición vertical, se sugiere pasar a posición de cuatro apoyos y una variante original resultado del análisis de los movimientos de la pelvis llamada 'cuatro apoyos en asimetría'. Esta puede ser realizada desde cualquier posición, no es invasiva y requiere un mínimo de entrenamiento. Conclusiones. La resolución de distocia de hombros no posee un único algoritmo; dependerá del tipo de distocia, la posición de la gestante, el contexto y la mayor o menor habilidad de una maniobra sobre otra. La postura de Gaskin y cuatro apoyos en asimetría debería ser tenida en cuenta antes de realizar maniobras internas para la resolución de la distocia de hombros.

Introduction: Shoulder dystocia is a complication of vaginal delivery caused by a difficulty in delivering the fetal shoulders. It can be triggered in an unpredictable and unplanned manner, so it should be considered as a potential risk for every vaginal birth. Most of the recommendations on shoulder dystocia resolution maneuvers are made from the lithotomy position and without considering the intrinsic movements of the pelvis during labor. Objectives : To analyze the maneuvers for resolving shoulder dystocia based on knowledge of the biomechanics of the pelvis and its relationship with the fetal shoulders, considering the different birthing positions. Methods: Non-systematized bibliographic review. Results : In the case of anterior shoulder dystocia, the McRoberts maneuver with suprapubic pressure followed by extraction of the posterior arm could be recommended for a birthing woman in lithotomy position. If the birthing woman is in an upright position, it is suggested to move to the four-support position and an original variant resulting from the analysis of the biomechanics of the pelvis called 'four-lying in asymmetry'. These maneuvers are non-invasive techniques, require minimal training and resources, and can be performed from any childbirth position. Conclusions : The resolution of shoulder dystocia does not have a single algorithm; it will depend on the type of dystocia, the position of the birthing woman, the context, and the greater or lesser ability of one maneuver over another. Gaskin maneuver and four supports in asymmetry should be considered before performing internal maneuvers for the resolution of shoulder dystocia.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1485-1492, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990362


Objective:To explore the mediating role of interdisciplinary cooperation ability between the level of hospice care practice and difficulty degree of hospice care for medical staff, in order to improve the quality of hospice care services for medical staff, and to provide evidence for relevant managers to formulate effective measures to reduce the implementation of hospice care difficulties.Methods:This study was a cross-sectional survey. Using convenience sampling method, the general data questionnaire, Palliative Care Difficulties Scale (PCDS), Palliative Care Self-Report Practice Scale (PCPS) and Modified Index of Interdisciplinary Collaboration (MIIC) were used to investigate 362 medical staff in all hospice care institutions of Shiyan City from July to August 2022.Results:The total score of PCDS in 362 medical staff was (40.58±13.44) points, (67.47 ± 12.50) points for PCPS and (108.36 ± 21.46) points for MIIC. There was a positive correlation between the total score of MIIC and PCDS ( r=0.500, P<0.01). The total score of PCPS was negatively correlated with the total score of MIIC ( r=-0.337, P<0.01) and the total score of PCDS ( r=-0.189, P<0.01). The interdisciplinary cooperation ability of medical staff in hospice care had a complete mediating effect between the level of practice and the degree of difficulty (Effect value=-0.190, 95% CI-0.274 to -0.126), and the mediating effect accounted for 98.5% of the total effect value. Conclusions:The practice level of hospice care can not directly affect the implementation of the difficulty degree, but by taking active measures to improve the interdisciplinary cooperation ability, so as to enhance the practice level, and then reduce the implementation of hospice care difficulty degree.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 768-774, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990251


Objective:To explore the effects of hospital-family multidisciplinary 5E rehabilitation model on clinical status, athletic ability, respiratory muscle strength, quality of life and psychological states of patients with myasthenia gravis (MG).Methods:This was a quasi-experimental study. According to the convenient sampling method, patients with type 2 MG treated in the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University from January 2020 to September 2021 were divided into intervention group and control group. The control group was treated with routine nursing methods, and the intervention group was treated with hospital-family multidisciplinary 5E rehabilitation model for 12 weeks. The effects of intervention were compared by using Myasthenia Gravis Composite (MGC), 6-minute walking test (6MWT), maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP), Fatigue Scale-14 (FS-14), Myasthenia Gravis Quality of Life-15(MGQOL-15), Herth Hope Level Scale(HHI) and Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease 6-Item Scale (SES6C).Results:Repeated measurement analysis of variance showed that there were significant differences between 6MWT score and MGQOL-15 score twelve weeks after intervention, the intervention group scores were (477.95 ± 29.23), (6.25 ± 3.40) points, the control group scores were(435.85 ± 19.82), (9.95 ± 3.22) points, the differences were statistically significant ( t= 4.51, -3.58, both P<0.05). Besides, the differences of MIP, FS-14 score, SES6C score and HHI score were also statistically significant, the intervention group scores were (102.09 ± 19.56), (2.56 ± 1.31), (34.78 ± 8.68), (33.43 ± 6.39) points, the control group scores were (90.85 ± 12.25), (4.65 ± 2.50), (24.15 ± 6.62), (25.90 ± 8.30)points, the differences were statistically significant ( t values were -4.46-3.35, all P<0.05). Repeated measurement analysis of variance showed that there were significant differences in the time effect and interaction effect of MGQOL-15 score between the two groups ( F=28.28, 22.01, both P<0.05), there were also significant differences in the group effect, time effect, and interaction effect of 6MWT between the two groups ( F=13.94, 8.24, 12.85, all P<0.05). Conclusions:The rehabilitation of patients with MG could be promoted by the hospital-family multidisciplinary 5E rehabilitation model. Detailed research should be further strengthened to lay a foundation for the development of rehabilitation guidelines for patients with MG.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533679


Introducción: La investigación es fundamental en la formación académica de los estudiantes de la carrera de Medicina. Objetivo: Identificar habilidades de investigación en estudiantes y profesores del departamento de Salud de la carrera de Medicina. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo durante 2023 en el Policlínico Docente Tula Aguilera. Participaron un total de 50 estudiantes de quinto año de la carrera de Medicina que cursaron la asignatura Salud Pública, 15 profesores y 60 personas seleccionadas al azar. Se elaboró una encuesta dirigida a los profesores y estudiantes para identificar deficiencias en las investigaciones. A las 60 personas seleccionadas de manera aleatoria, se les realizó otra encuesta relacionada con infecciones de transmisión sexual. Los datos obtenidos fueron determinados por el programa R los estadígrafos de tendencia central y dispersión, así como la frecuencia absoluta y relativa que se presentaron en tabla y texto. Resultados: Se entrevistaron 50 estudiantes durante el mes de febrero de 2023, se detectaron y detallaron las deficiencias encontradas, igualmente y con el mismo fin se entrevistaron 15 profesores del Departamento de Salud. En otra actividad, el 10 de abril un grupo de 25 estudiantes encuestó a 60 personas sobre las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y reportaron sus hallazgos. Conclusiones: Se identificó el desarrollo de habilidades de investigación en estudiantes y profesores, se profundiza en el tema para lograr una intervención efectiva. Fue posible que los estudiantes llevaran a efecto una investigación en las que aplicaron las habilidades necesarias para esta actividad. Los cursos presenciales y virtuales se enriquecieron con el trabajo.

Introduction : Research is fundamental to the academic training of medical students. Objective: To identify research skills in students and professors of Public Health in the medical degree. Methods: A descriptive study was carried out during 2023 at the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey and at the Tula Aguilera Teaching Polyclinic. A total of 50 fifth-year medical students who studied public health and their 15 professors and 60 randomly selected people from the communities of the Tula Aguilera Teaching Polyclinic participated. A survey of teachers and students was carried out. A survey related to sexually transmitted infections was carried out on 60 randomly selected people in the community of the Tula Aguilera Teaching Polyclinic. The central tendency and dispersion statistics were determined from the data obtained with the R program, as well as the absolute and relative frequencies that are presented in the table and in the text. Results: 50 students were interviewed during the month of February 2023, the deficiencies found are detected and detailed. Similarly, and for the same purpose, 15 professors from the Department of Health were interviewed. In another activity, on April 10th, a group of 25 students surveyed 60 people about sexually transmitted diseases and reported their findings. Conclusions: The development of research skills in students and teachers was identified and the subject is delved into to achieve an effective intervention. It was possible for the students to carry out an investigation in which they applied the necessary skills for this activity. The face-to-face and virtual courses were enriched with this work.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 27: e220598, 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521063


O objetivo da pesquisa é apresentar os resultados de uma oficina, guiada pelo design thinking (DT), realizada com estudantes da área da Saúde para a produção de ideias de fomento à educação interprofissional (EIP) em Saúde em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo estudo de caso, realizada em junho de 2022. A oficina pedagógica baseou-se nas fases do DT: descoberta, interpretação, ideação e experimentação, e foi apoiada pelo uso de nove estratégias. Participaram seis estudantes de Enfermagem, um estudante de Saúde Coletiva e um de Farmácia. Como resultado, dois protótipos foram criados. Verificou-se que as fases e estratégias utilizadas no DT foram oportunas e eficientes para o debate da EIP. Os protótipos elaborados serão executados em continuidade à pesquisa. (AU)

This article presents the results of a design thinking workshop with health students to generate ideas for fostering interprofessional education (IPE) for health in a higher education institution. We conducted a qualitative case study in June 2022. The workshop followed the phases of the design thinking process (discovery, interpretation, ideation and experimentation) and was supported by the use of nine strategies. The workshop was attended by six nursing students, one public health student and one pharmacy student. The workshop resulted in the creation of two prototypes. It was found that the phases and strategies used were well-suited to and effective in promoting a debate about IPE. The prototypes will be executed as part of the continuation of the research. (AU)

El objetivo de la investigación es presentar los resultados de un taller, guiado por el design thinking (DT), realizado con estudiantes del área de la salud para la producción de ideas de fomento a la educación interprofesional en salud (EIP) en una Institución de Enseñanza Superior. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, del tipo estudio de caso, realizada en junio de 2022. El taller pedagógico se basó en las fases del DT: descubrimiento, interpretación, ideación y experimentación y tuvo como apoyo el uso de nueve estrategias. Participaron seis estudiantes de Enfermería, un estudiante de Salud Colectiva y uno de Farmacia. Como resultado se crearon dos prototipos. Se verificó que las fases y estrategias utilizadas en el DT fueron oportunas y eficientes para el debate de la EIP. Los prototipos elaborados se realizarán en continuidad a la investigación. (AU)